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Wanna go on a Liquid Diet? Think again!

8 Extremely Fattening Drinks

There are not many people who would select water over a selection of other beverages, the problem is, most of these same people don’t realize the volume of calories they are putting in their bodies when they consume these products. Even freshly squeezed juices are very calorie dense. If you are pounding back any of these drinks on a regular basis, cutting them out could do wonders for your waste line without even adding in any exercise!

This list will be from the least calorie dense drinks all the way up to the super calorie dense options.

So here is the countdown…


8. 7-11 Cola Slurpee

This one seems almost obvious, although, I was shocked to see it this low on the list when compared to some of the other popular drinks.

Slurpee Nutritional Info
Oz: 24
Calories: 210
Fat: 0g
Carbs: 53.9g
Sugar: 53.9g
Calories Per oz: 8.75

Alternatives to Slurpees
While I personally love a Slurpee on a hot summers day, one alternative is a home made calorie free Slurpee. Take your blender, mix in roughly 1/2 cup of pre made crystal light, and then add roughly half a tray of ice cubes, more if you want it slushier. Blend the concoction up for a calorie free Slurpee.


7. Pepsi Cola/Coca Cola

Another obvious one near the top of the list is sugar packed sodas such as Coke or Pepsi. Your average 12oz serving has roughly 150 calories! If you drink three cans a day, that’s 160200 calories a year which is roughly 45 lbs of PURE FAT!

Pepsi Nutritional Info:
Oz: 12
Calories: 150
Fat: 0g
Carbs: 42g
Sugar: 42g
Calories Per oz: 12.50

Alternatives to Pepsi/Coke & Sodas
This is actually a really easy fix if you are willing to make a bit of a change. Switch from Pepsi to Diet Pepsi. The taste might not be that pleasing at first, but after a few weeks, you don’t even notice the aftertaste any more. I personally actually prefer diet sodas over regular these days. If you drink diet soda, you are 100% reducing these drink calories from your diet.


6. Fresh Orange Juice

Yes, you are reading this correctly. Juices are jam packed full of calories whether you are drinking apple juice, orange juice or grape juice, they all contain a ton of sugar and a ton of unnecessary calories. If you really just want some vitamin C, take a supplement or eat an actual orange and get some of the fiber to go along with it.

Fresh Orange Juice Nutrition Info
Oz: 12
Calories: 170
Fat: 0.8g
Carbs: 39.2g
Protein: 2.6
Sugar: 31.7g
Calories Per oz: 14.17

Fresh Juice Alternatives:
If you are drinking juice for Vitamins, eat the fruit and get some of the benefits of the fiber. If you are just looking for something that has some flavor, mix up some Crystal Light and enjoy a tasty calorie free drink.



5. Gatorade

If Gatorade is good for athletes it has got to be good for me right? WRONG! Gatorade was developed to help athletes quickly replenish depleted energy sources and as a result is jam packed full of sugar as well as calories. Unless you are performing at a very high level athletically, drinking Gatorade is only going to build your spare tire around your waste.

Gatorade Nutrition Info:
Oz: 12
Calories: 170
Fat: 0.8g
Carbs: 39.2g
Protein: 2.6
Sugar: 31.7g
Calories Per oz: 25.83

Gatorade Alternatives:
If you really want to drink a sports drink, pickup one of Gatorade’s new G2 sports drinks. It is a low calorie alternative and won’t turn you into an overweight wannabe athlete.


4. Starbucks Mint Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino blended creme with Chocolate Whipped Cream

Let’s face it, you shouldn’t be drinking Starbucks Frappuccino’s if you are trying to watch your waste line. They are so packed full of calories, you could easily gain a pound a week by drinking a Venti every day! One Frapp stands out in the crowd for being the ultimate weight gainer and that is the ‘Mint Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino blended crème with Chocolate Whipped Cream’; try saying that 5 times! This drink is a behemoth with 680 calories in a single 24oz serving. That is an astounding 28.33 calories per oz. If you are planning on dressing up as Santa Clause this winter and don’t want to stuff your pants with pillows, this is definitely the daily beverage for you.

Starbucks Mint Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino blended creme with Chocolate Whipped Cream Nutrition Info
Oz: 24
Calories: 680
Fat: 21g
Carbs: 115g
Protein: 18
Sugar: 93g
Calories Per oz: 28.33

Frappuccino Alternatives:
If you are really feeling the urge to get a blended Frapp from Starbucks, first step is to look at the ‘light’ section. The next step is to select the Espresso Frappuccino® Light Blended Coffee. A Venti (24oz) serving still has 150 calories, but that is substantially better than its Mint Chocolaty companion. For those who care, the Espresso Frappuccino® Light Blended Coffee packs 6.25 calories per oz.


3. 7-11 French Vanilla Cafe Cooler

7-11 got a little upset when Starbucks started stealing their grown up Slurpee customers who wanted blended coffee. So what did they do? They came up with Coffee Slurpees to stir up the competition. Unlucky for us though, these Slurpees come packed with nearly four times the calories of a traditional Slurpee. Check out the nutritional information on these tastymorsels.

7-11 French Vanilla Café Cooler Nutrition Info:
Oz: 20
Calories: 634
Fat: 27g
Carbs: 97g
Protein: 1.6
Sugar: 97g
Calories Per oz: 31.70

French Vanilla Cafe Alternatives:
Honestly, if you have to buy something from 7-11 to replace your French Vanilla Café Cooler, I would recommend grabbing a cup of coffee, toss a bit of skim milk and some sugar free Vanilla syrup in it. Run over to the Big Gulp machine and toss a few ice cubes in your cup to cool it down and make a chilled beverage. Aside from that, any of the café coolers are pretty much going to turn you into a fat air balloon.


2. McDonald’s Chocolate Shake

Leave it to McDonalds to have the second most fattening drink that I have ever seen. If you’ve ever tasted their Chocolate Triple Thick Shake, you would know instantly that there is no way something with so much creamy tasty flavor could ever be good for you. This calorie behemoth could help you pack on as much as two pounds of fat a week when combined with your normal diet. Pretty impressive huh?

Chocolate Triple Thick® Shake Nutrition Info:
Oz: 32
Calories: 1160
Fat: 27g
Carbs: 203g
Protein: 27
Sugar: 168g
Calories Per oz: 36.25

Chocolate Shake Alternatives:
If you really want to drink a Chocolate milk shake, you are looking at a calorie dense beverage no matter what way you ‘shake’ it. If you want to make something that is at least somewhat healthy for you, blend 1/2 cup skim milk with 2 scoops chocolate whey protein and half a tray of ice. It will taste like a chocolate milk shake with way less sugar, but you still can’t avoid the calories.


1. Bubble Tea with Milk and Tapioca Pearls


YES! You Kois and Gong Cha!!!

The original Bubble Tea came from Taiwan and was a combination of Black tea, condensed milk, honey and pearls (tapioca balls). These days, the black tea and condensed milk can be substituted with fruity teas or milky fruit teas, all of which are jam packed with gut producing calories. A standard Bubble Tea with milk and pearls contains roughly 510 calories in just a 12 oz serving. If you just broke out your calculator you would now know that Bubble tea can contain 42.50 calories per oz! What does that mean for you? It means that Bubble Tea is a one way ticket to ObesityBoulevard.

Bubble Tea with Milk and Tapioca Pearls Nutritional Info:
Oz: 12
Calories: 510
Fat: 20.4g
Carbs: 79.05g
Protein: .6
Sugar: ?g
Calories Per oz: 42.50


Bubble Tea Alternatives:
Alright, this one you are going to have to suck up and just stop drinking. There is absolutely no reason why you need to eat Tapioca balls and condensed milk on a daily basis. Hit up your grocery store and grab a couple boxes of black and green tea. Not only will it save your health, it will also save you some money.

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7 Things that are Secretly Making You Gain Weight!

I came across this wonderful? and interesting article from a health magazine and i thought this would be quite useful to you, and me (especially) since all of us are on the mission to at least lose some weight and look hotter!

Who know that the choices you make in your everyday life might be secretly causing you to gain weight.

Here’s how to spot seven diet saboteurs!

1. Fancy coffee-shop beverages

Your daily treat from the corner coffee shop may be adding a significant amount of calories to your diet. For example, a Grande Strawberries and Crème Frappuccino with whole milk and whipped cream at Starbucks is 370 calories and 15 g of fat. Instead, choose a regular coffee. Alone, it has no calories, but even with cream and sugar it’s a much better choice: You’ll add 24 calories and 3 g of fat per tablespoon of cream, and 16 calories per teaspoon of sugar. Make this swap once a week and you’ll cut 17,160 calories a year, which adds up to almost 5 pounds. – Oh shit, my Hazelnut Soy Latte habits needs to stop!

2. Eating on the run

Most of us have caught ourselves walking and eating, or stuffing down a meal to get to our next commitment on time. “Eating on the run often leads to eating too quickly for your hunger and satisfaction signals to keep up,” says Mary Bamford, registered dietitian. What’s too fast? According to Bamford it means taking less than 20 minutes to eat a meal.

Instead, sit down (eating in the car while driving doesn’t count) and slow down. “If you eat in a hurry and rely on your hunger signals to know when you’ve had enough, you have to overeat to feel satisfied,” she says. “And then 30 to 60 minutes later, if you are paying attention, you may realize you are stuffed,” she adds. So stop walking and munching, and make time to savour your meals.

3. Overindulging on weekends

Researchers have found that people don’t realize they eat markedly more on weekends, particularly on Saturdays, when they tend to consume more fat. Those extra calories can add up quickly.

To combat overindulging on Saturday and Sunday, pay attention to portion size, weigh yourself daily (or on Fridays and Mondays only) and watch your alcohol intake, which provides empty calories and lowers your food inhibitions.

My Huge-Ass burger! Is way too much!

4. Portions that are too large

It’s a simple fact: Eat less and you’ll lose weight. There’s good evidence that over the past 50 years, restaurant portions have “super-sized,” and our waistlines have grown along with them. We’ve become accustomed to eating larger servings to the detriment of our health.

To combat this habit, use a smaller plate for your meals. Less space on the plate means automatic portion control. And when ordering or buying food, choose the smallest size of any high-calorie items.

5. Crash diets

Dieting makes food an enemy, not a source of sustenance and well-being. So-called yo-yo dietinglosing weight, putting it back on, losing it again and so on—is bad for your health. If you suddenly reduce your food intake, you body, because it is designed for survival, will slow down your metabolic rate in order to store energy more efficiently. This is why people on a diet crave snacks like chocolate, which gives a quick boost to their energy levels, and why weight loss slows down dramatically after the first couple of weeks.

To reach and maintain a reasonable body weight, you need a balanced diet full of nutrients to prevent disease and to ensure optimal energy and psychological well-being.

6. Skipping meals

“Skipping meals can have a negative impact on your metabolism,” says Toronto nutritionist Aviva Allen—your body might start storing extra fat in anticipation of more missed meals. Instead of eating less, consume small, nutrient-dense snacks and meals more often – every three hours is ideal – and try not to eat after seven o’clock at night, when your metabolism is at its slowest.

Eating often also makes it easier to stay on track beacause denying yourself food isn’t a sustainable practice. “The biggest mistake is to think of your diet as a temporary event to reach a specific weight-loss goal,” says Allen. “If you plan to return to your old habits once you’ve reached your goal, the weight will quickly return.”

7. Boring workouts

No matter how good the fitness plan, sticking with the exact same routine day after day is hard—and discouraging. In his first book, 5-Factor Fitness, Hollywood trainer Harley Pastnernak recommends a different workout for every day of the week, each focusing on a different body part. Whether you vary the number of reps you do or make a switch from cardio to resistance training, it’s important to vary your routine enough so you don’t get bored. “At least one thing should be different daily,” Pasternak suggests.

Thanks http://www.besthealthmag.ca/ for letting us know!